Strategy is the development of your plan for the “big picture” and the “long-term.” Therefore, by definition, if you can see your target opportunity, its too late for strategy (but not necessarily too late to benefit. More on that later.) So it stands to reason that to develop an effective strategy for your organization (or even yourself), you first must answer the existential questions: what do you want to do and why do you want to do it?
This is where Kelcey and Company comes in. We apply a disciplined systems thinking and systems engineering approach to ensure that your strategy focus on all three phases of execution: Now, Soon, and Over the Horizon.
As we mentioned above, if you can see your target of opportunity, its too late for strategy. But it is not too late to execute well conceived tactical actions that are inextricably linked to your overall strategy. So how do you execute tactics if you don’t have a strategy?
Our Strategy of Now approach focuses on “planned echos.” In other words, although you may need to act now and may not have a strategy in place, that does not prevent you from executing actions that are inline with outcomes that “echo” into a future strategy. Our role is helping you determine those tactics and help you on to the the path of strategic success.
A strategy without a timeline is just a to-do list. And a strategy that takes place in the undefined future is just a dream. Earlier, we talked about “Now,” but also important is “Soon.” Your strategy should be focused on long-term goals, but it also needs to consider the obtainable gains that can be made soon. To do this, we help you focus on key aspects of your strategy such as risk/reward, planning horizons, and other key aspects of strategy execution.
By leveraging systems thinking and engineering as both prognostication and planning tools, we help you determine the strategy best suited to obtaining your long-term goals and values. We do this by bringing to play all of the classic “MBA”tools and approaches as well as our own bag of tricks. The point is, we only do the things that are appropriate to your situation and that support your success.
Provding operational insight, strategic planning, and technical guidance
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